
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Titan Posters 3 April 2006



Poster G - When printed on letter sized paper this poster show's the size of the 'rocks' on Titan's surface in their true size.

Poster F - Composite view of DISR's images taken while the Huygens Probe was setting on Titan's surface, juxtaposed with a similarly scaled picture taken on the Moon's surface.  Objects near the center of the picture are roughly the size of a man's foot while objects at the horizon are a fraction of a man's height.

Poster E - Distorted fish-eye projection (in nadir direction) of the DISR images when the Huygens Probe was 5 Km above Titan's surface.

Poster D - Mercator projection of Huygens probe view from 10 Km Altitude.

Poster C - Nadir, Stereographic (fish-eye) view of Titan's surface from 6 different altitudes.  Shows the haze layer at 20-21 Km.

Poster B - Mercator Projection of the view from the Huygens probe at 4 different altitudes.

Poster A - View's from the probe, in the 4 Cardinal Directions (N,S,E,W) at 5 different altitudes above Titan's surface.

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